Installation Process

Faster and smoother installation saves time and resources

Our prefabricated modules enable fast and easy installation in all weather conditions. The packaging system saves time on site and seals the building quickly and safely.

Within minutes, you can mount an entire module thanks to the unique bracket system with a simple clamp. Cladding and flashing are part of the prefabricated components, built to fit.


Placing VELUX Modular Skylights modules
Place the modules in the correct spot, adjust later if necessary.


Easy mounting of skylights
Fix the module fast and easily by means of brackets with clamps.


Installer clicking on cladding on a VELUX modular skylight
Click on the prefabricated cladding and flashings.

Year-round installation in all kinds of weather

Modular skylights can be installed in all kinds of weather. The quick installation process quickly seals the glass roof and creates a more comfortable indoor working environment.
Prefabrication eliminates the need for silicone jointing, which saves time and enables year-round installation.

Installation of modular skylights in the winter

Get a quick introduction to the installation process at different construction sites.

Watch the video to learn more about the installation process from an experienced installer of VELUX modular skylights
